Every Plate A Real Eye-Catcher
Have you experienced this before? While deep in conversation, your guests often don’t pay attention to your well planned and artfully arranged plates. They don’t notice the carefully placed spring onions on the steak, or the hand-picked leaf of wild strawberry on the chocolate dessert.
For most people, a visually appealing plate has become standard. You can probably say it is something someone would almost expect.
And this ist exactly what we want to change! Because we believe that your well thought-out concept, the carefully picked ingredients, as well as your dedication in the kitchen deserve the full attention of your guests.
For this reason, we show chefs and pâtissiers how they can use edible gold leaf to draw the guests’ attention to their delicacies and make it an unforgettable experience.

Made In Germany
With Gold Gourmet, you’ll be working with ultra-thin, edible gold and silver leaf from the finest gold leaf manufacturer in Germany. As a certified manufacturer we know that the quality of the ingredients will also reflect in your creations and products.
Conflict Free Genuine Gold
As the oldest German manufacturer of edible gold and silver leaf, we take responsibility and consider the entire supply chain of our raw materials. We only use gold and silver with a verifiably conflict-free supply chain, so that you can enjoy the finest delicatessen with Gold Gourmet and in good conscience.
Also, only tested precious metals are used in our production. A contamination by heavy metals is excluded by a careful and conscientious selection of precious metals. According to our credo, we test every new gold melt in our Gold Gourmet production for edible gold leaf and edible silver leaf with an X-ray fluorescence device. Only after a positive test result, the tested gold bar is released for further processing.
Certified Food Company
We are a certified food comapany with various 3rd party accreditation and certifications such as HACCP and Kosher. Our products are also 100% vegan.